Celebrate Naturopathic Medicine Week!

Did you know that this week, October 7-13, is Naturopathic Medicine Week?  In an unanimous resolution, Congress has now officially recognized the important role naturopathic medicine plays in effectively addressing the nation’s health care needs as well as in addressing the increasingly severe shortage of primary care physicians.

Naturopathic Medicine: A Secret No Longer

 Most people in our community are not familiar with our form of medicine that, unlike conventional medicine, considers the whole person, focuses on the causes of illness, not just the symptoms, emphasizes prevention, and uses natural treatments that are less invasive and less expensive than drugs and surgery.  Naturopathic medicine has been around for decades — and we are licensed primary care doctors in California!

Now more people will become aware of it, thanks to Naturopathic Medicine Week.  This resolution recognizes the value of naturopathic medicine in providing “safe, effective, and affordable health care” and encourages Americans to learn more.

To celebrate and help educate others, we are hosting a free lecture at 7 pm on Wednesday Oct 9th at Tara Natural Medicine, 3186 Old Tunnel Rd, Lafayette.

The information offered will help you gain insight about attaining better health.  Naturopathic Medicine is all about stimulating the body’s inherent self-healing abilities.  Whether weight management challenges, allergies, or a debilitating chronic illness like diabetes, this approach to medicine is designed to improve  health and keep you well.  Bring a friend and learn what Naturopathic Medicine can do!

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