Why Is Food Sensitivity Testing So Important?

By Autumn Drouin, ND

Over the years I have found food sensitivity test results to be one of the most beneficial pieces of information people can have relating to their health.  If people know what foods are irritating them, they can make better food choices. Eating foods that irritate one’s system can cause a myriad of problems, mostly involving inflammation. These inflammatory conditions include cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, dermatological, respiratory, immune and rheumatological disorders. When these foods are eliminated or the intolerance addressed with NAET (Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique), most of these conditions will improve. I have seen it over and over again in my practice and there is much research supporting this. I don’t feel I am doing my job properly until we remove all obstacles to cure, and removing the offending foods, or eliminating the person’s sensitivity to those foods, is an important step on the road to better health.

“To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art.”
—La Rochefoucauld

Dr. Autumn L Drouin
Naturopathic Doctor
NAET practitioner

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