New to Naturopathic Medicine?

by Autumn Drouin, ND

Naturopathy as a system of medicine has been around for over 100 years and is currently experiencing strong re-growth. It can be used for acute conditions such as childhood ailments, respiratory illnesses, flus, digestive upsets, etc. Chronic conditions including but not limited to high blood pressure, asthma, allergies, arthritis, diabetes, digestive problems, auto-immune diseases, hormonal imbalances and much more also respond very well to Naturopathic Medicine.

The majority of patients can be returned to good health by stimulating the body’s ability to heal itself and treating the root cause of symptoms with naturopathic remedies.  This can eliminate the need for using many of the more conventional methods of treatment, which generally only eliminate the symptoms.

Naturopathic doctors generally spend a great deal of time with their patients, striving to understand their concerns about their current health conditions and future well being.  Patients are often delighted by how well their body can heal itself and how wonderful they feel afterwards.

Whether you are new to Naturopathic Medicine or an experienced naturopathic patient, I invite you to book a FREE in person or by phone 15 minutes consultation with me by calling our office at 925-949-8604.  I look forward to exploring how naturopathic medicine can help you!

Autumn Drouin, ND

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